Quality Gems

TODO: Make a blog post out of this.

A shout-out to some gems/tools that have a well-deserved place in my Rails toolbox.

  • Pagy (ActiveRecord pagination, focused on performance)
  • Pry (debugger)
  • Rbspy (sampling profiler) [Rust]
  • rack-mini-profiler, flamegraph, stackprof, memory_profiler (performance analysis tooling) - (reference custom instrumentation)
  • rubocop / rufo
  • Hamlit
  • Fivemat (rspec/cucumber formatter, progress but one line per file)
  • Cells
  • d3js (chart-buildling library) [JS]
  • sidekiq
  • Bullet (detects N+1 queries) - Compare to newcomer prosopite
  • Insomnia (HTTP api tool)
  • HTTP.rb (compare Typhoeus, others as a blog post?)

And some TODOs that I want to try out.

  • api_struct for writing API clients, as a step up from my usual bit of raw httprb and JSON->hash data bags on the response.

Evil Martians

Posted an article about their Gemfile of dreams with a summary of the things they use frequently and why.