Jamie Macey

Senior Software Engineer 250-327-9519 · · PDF Version

I am a results-oriented professional software developer with over a decade of experience in senior and team-lead positions on a variety of web applications and services. I am seeking a position that will allow me to both leverage my strengths and experience as well as pull me out of my comfort zone with new challenges.



University of Victoria 2003

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

  • Veteran Ruby web developer, strong programming foundations, able to pick up new languages and environments quickly.
  • Almost 20 years Rails experience, as well as production deploys of Sinatra, Merb+DataMapper, and static websites generated by Jekyll and Middleman.
  • Strong knowledge of OO design.
  • Strong technical web design skills, including XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Knowledge of agile development practices, especially test-driven development and working in small frequent iterations.
  • Strong knowledge of both Linux and MacOS as a software development environment.
  • Experience with server provisioning technologies using Chef and Ansible, as well as limited exposure to the AWS ecosystem.